“If you are silent about your pain, they’ll kill you and say you enjoyed it.” -Zora Neale Hurston.
FRUIT workshop at the Commons
The hesitant rediscovery of one’s body. The power-hungry dominance that looms over a neighborhood. Therapy. Addiction. And a walk of shame the distance of one side of the world to the other, FRUIT takes an unapologetic look at the makings (and survival within) rape culture. With surprisingly gentle moments and satirical hilarity, FRUIT delivers a powerfully human punch.
Trigger Warnings
Please be advised that this production features frank discussion and/or staged depictions of sexual violence, physical violence, substance dependency, LGBT antagonism, misogyny, and racism.
Suggested Donation: $6/$10/$15
Sliding Scale based on audience financial comfort and ability.
Note: We highly suggest that you order your ticket in advance.
The Commons Brooklyn
388 Atlantic Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11217